С джейлбрейком покемон гоу работает. Читы для Pokemon GO

Покемон гоу. Покемон гоу. Покемон гоу. Похоже, сегодня это самая обсуждаемая и востребованная игра. Несмотря на ограниченный доступ, созданная американскими веб-разработчиками Nintendo и Niantic Labs игра широко стартовала. В действительности, планировали релиз мощнее даже Angry Birds и Candy Crush.

Niantic уже выпускали игры дополненной реальности (от англ. augmented reality, AR), но впервые разработчики настолько гениально использовали технологию расширенной реальности и создали персонажей, с которыми многие люди могут соотнести себя.

Если вы уже фанатично играете в Pokémon GO на «взломанном» iPhone, то джейлбрейк-твики, которые мы выбрали, откроют еще больше возможностей . Надеемся (но не гарантируем), вы поймаете много покемонов.


Если вы не можете играть в Pokémon Go на своем iOS-устройстве по причине джейлбрейка, установите PokePatch. Игра по умолчанию проверяет наличие джейлбрейка на устройстве и блокирует запуск. С помощью джейлбрейк-твика PokePatch вы сможете пропустить проверку.


Лень или не можете выйти на улицу и поймать покемонов? Джейлбрейк-твик PokemonGoAnywhere позволит ходить в любом месте в игре нажатием на карте. Если Niantic обнаружит джейлбрейк- твик, ваш аккаунт в игре могут навсегда забанить. Однако пока ни одного пользователя не заблокировали за этот твик.

Скачайте PokemonGoAnywhere здесь:

  • http://www.williamlcobb.com/repo – репозиторий

Pokemon Lock

Сосредоточены только на ловле покемонов? Не беспокоит нагрузка на батарею устройства и угроза безопасности? Pokemon Lock позволит играть в Pokémon на заблокированном экране iPhone или iPad, что, безусловно, сокращает срок службы батареи. Твик также потребует отключить пароль на устройстве.

Репозиторий для загрузки Pokemon Lock .

Смотрите твики в действии в удивительном видео Cody Crouch (iTwe4kz):

As you all know that recently Pokemon GO has become so much viral and setting the record for the most popular and highest rated game for Android and iOS. The Game has bee developed by Niantec and Nintendo. Pokemon Go is available is available only in few countries. But apart from this fact the game still crossed the no of likes that Candy Crush and Angry Birds received. This game is free to play and download and it supports In app purchases to be bought and spend. Though there are some available. One problem for this awesome app is that it can’t be installed on rooted android phones and jailbroken iOS devices directly.

But it is not a problem now because there are now available. All the jailbreak Pokemon Go users can enjoy these tweaks. Now if you are the one trying to play pokemon Go or want to test some tweaks on it then this is the right place for you. I have gathered these 4 best jailbreak cydia tweaks for pokemon go.

Best Jailbreak Cydia Tweaks for Pokemon GO

Now for all the pokemon go users you must be thinking about what is the point behind restricting the pokemon go for jailbreak iOS iphone or iPad users. The thing is that, with jailbreak there are many ways by which you can hack in app purchases and other stuff in the pokemon Go which probably the developers do not want to happen. But as usual no one can compete with jailbreak power and we have also find a way to install pokemon go on jailbroken iphone or ipad.

Now let us proceed to the 4 best jailbreak cydia tweaks for pokemon go. Have a look around below to get pokemon go hacks.


This one is the most popular cydia tweak for pokemon Go. It has been helping us to install this epic game on our jailbroken devices. Install to install Pokemon go on jailbroken iOS device and go if you want to install the game on rooted android phone. With pokepatch you can bypass the jailbreak detection on any iphone, ipad or ipod on any iOS version. Just add the repo ryleyangus.com/repo in cydia sources and install the package and run the game.


Masterball is also a tweak to bypass jailbreak detection on iOS devices. It is developed by CokePokes. If pokepatch doesn’t suit you then you should go for MasterBall tweak. Like pokepatch, masterball will hide the jailbreak access from Pokemon go and thus you will be able to play it. After installing MasterBall POkemon will no longer detect the jailbreak access.


This is another amazing jailbreak tweak for Pokemon Go that lets you walk anywhere to catch pokemons just by tapping on any location in the map. This is also a tweak to be added in cydia sources as a repo and it is completely free.

For installing this add the repo http://williamlcobb.com/repo in the sources and install the package. One thing to remember is that these cheats may get your id banned from playing Pokemon go but you have to take risks.

Pokemon Lock

On the last we have Pokemon Lock . This is a very different and one of the most interesting tweaks for pokemon go. It lets you add the pokemon go on your phones lockscreen. You can play the game on your lockscreen perfectly and you won’t have to always go around to apps drawer launching the game. For this tweak to work. You need to disable your passcode and touch id. You should be aware that having this game all the time on your lockscreen will drink out your phone’s battery fast but as I said earlier you have to take risk to play this epic game.

To install this cydia tweak. Add the repo http://repo.ziph0n.com/repo in cydia sources and install the package.

So these were some jailbreak cydia tweaks for Pokemon Go that will help you get most out of this game. If you know any other pokemon Go hacks then do share with us in the comments below. Please share it and subscribe to our blog. Bye , Have a nice day.

So if you were fans of both worlds, and you want to somehow combine the two, then get ready for our roundup of some of the best jailbreak tweaks for use with Pokémon GO.

The best jailbreak tweaks for Pokémon GO

Some of them are useful, and others can be considered cheats. Please use your jailbreak tweaks responsibly; we aren’t responsible if you get banned from Pokémon GO for misusing the game against Niantic’s terms of service .

All of these jailbreak tweaks are free to download, but they haven’t all been tested on iOS 9.3.3 and most are in beta stages, so try them at your own risk.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

1. Pokemon Lock

Pokemon Lock is for the hardcore Pokémon GO players out there who want to play the game right from the Lock screen. Yep, that’s it!

We recommend that you have unlimited external battery pack stashes, because this tweak will drain your battery much quicker than usual. It’s also worth noting that the tweak works best on devices with higher amounts of RAM.

To use this tweak, you must disable your passcode.

Pokemon Lock is available in Ziph0n’s repository in Cydia, so you’ll need to add the following repository to get to it:


2. PokeGo LS GIF

Is for those of you who love Pokémon GO so much that you actually want to go as far as tweaking your device to show off your dedication to the game, right as you wake it up.

With this tweak, an animated GIF of the three teams in the game fills the Lock screen and alternates between the different legendary birds.

The tweak is smooth and well-polished, so it may be worth taking a look at.

3. Poke Go ++

With a jailbreak tweak called Poke Go ++, you can access many useful features from within the Pokémon GO app interface itself.

From the buttons added to your app’s interface, you can access the tweak’s settings for toggling features on or off, see a map of Pokémon near you, view the stats of your Pokémon, and even hide or show the menu.

From the settings, you can do things like spoof your location and roam around with a joystick, but to be completely honest, we don’t recommend using these free-roaming location features since Niantic has started cracking down on those who cheat in the game. Stick to using the other features instead if you’ll be trying this tweak.

Nevertheless, the abilies to see your Pokémon stats and see where Pokémon are hiding in your area with crowd-sourced map data are definitely among the top useful features that players could use for legitimate purposes.

Poke Go ++ can be downloaded for free from the following Cydia repository:


Wrapping up

These are some of the best we’ve seen that we can confirm work. Your results may vary, but if we’ve missed anything, feel free to let us know in the comments!

Also read:

What are your favorite tweaks for Pokémon GO? Share in the comments!

Pokemon Go is still one of the most popular mobile games to date. And the game has been built in a way that encourages users to move around in the real world. Still, many users are often looking for possible alternatives that allow them to play the game without actually having to go out in the physical world.

Since the game directly relies on your device’s location services, many users have been looking to spoof the GPS location of the device. This would allow them to access a desired location on the Pokemon Go map, without having to actually travel there.

If you’re an iOS user, there is a tweaked version of Pokemon Go which allows you to do just that. But instead of spoofing your location throughout the device, the tweak only affects your in-game location.

As you can guess, the tweak is not available for download from the App Store, so usually, you’d have to install it from third-party app stores by jailbreaking your device. But a specific app repository known as BuildStore lets you install external apps on iOS devices without jailbreaking them.

Install PokeGo++ without Jailbreak

In order to access the apps within BuildStore, you’d need to register your iOS device for a fee of $11.99/year per device. Once registered, you get unlimited access to all the apps available In the BuildStore repository. The particular Pokemon Go tweak you’d need is PokeGo++, which is available in BuildStore.

The below steps will guide you to install and use PokeGo++ to fake your character’s location in Pokemon Go.

  1. Uninstall the original Pokemon Go app from your iPhone if it’s already installed.
  2. Sign up for a new account and register your iOS device.
  3. Download and install PokemonGo PRO , or PokeGo++ on your iPhone via BuildStore and sign into your Pokemon Go account.
  4. Once in the game map screen, tap on Settings (gear icon) in the top-left corner of the screen.
  5. Under Spoofing section, turn Fake Location on.
  6. Select Forever in Time to Save Location.

You’ll find a joystick overlay on top of the Pokemon Go map. The joystick will help you navigate your character through the map, without having to physically move from your current location.

With Fake Location turned on, you’d also be able to access other GPS hacks, such as jump to particular coordinates, move towards a target location, speed control, (up to 8X), etc.

Is Pokemon GO++ safe to install?

Build Store’s content policy states that any application available on their third-party app store “MUST NOT harm the device or device owner”. According to Build Store, the apps available on Build Store are reviewed internally for malicious code and stability. We have spoken to a company representative on the matter, and this is what he had to say: “We guarantee that using the apps from the BuildStore is safe for the gadget and users’ private data.”

However, Build Store does not claim any responsibility for any action taken against the user by original app developers (for example, disabling of accounts), for the use of tweaked apps.

Note: It’s not recommended to use these location spoofing hacks for Pokemon Go, especially the speed control or jump-to-coordinates hack, as the app is known to actively detect suspicious activities and ban the respective user accounts.

Disclaimer: The article is only intended as a knowledge base for installing Pokemon GO++ on non-jailbroken iOS devices. 7labs may not be held responsible for any violation of the terms and conditions, as laid out by the original app developers.

Poke GO ++ tweak is available on Cydia for iPhone, iPad…

Jailbreak is one of the best advantage for the game lover ever. Nowadays bunch of tweaks have been released for Pokemon Go which is top class and world famous game for iPhone, iPad, Android devices whether it is Samsung Galaxy or any other Android device.

PokeGo ++ tweak enables some hidden and restricted features that you won’t use while playing Pokemon Go using hack or . Poke Go ++ Cydia app is only available for jailbreak device and offers you some unbelievable features for Pokemon Go hack.

To make everything easy and straightforward, I would like to mention you that Pokemon Go ++ tweak is paid jailbreak app which need to purchase before use, however you HackYouriPhone repo makes Poke GO ++ tweak free for you.

Users who wanna purchase original app can buy this tweak from the developer repo source while HackYouriPhone repo is open for your jailbroken device to install.

Users having iOS 12.1.1 can jailbreak iPhone or iPad and then you can install Poke Go ++ on your device. Again unfortunately, Android users won’t be able to download and install PokeGO Plus Cydia tweak on their Smartphone.

The most important thing for iPhone users about Poke GO ++ that it’s not Pokemon Go In app Purchase cracker and you won’t be able to get free in app purchases for Pokemon Go using Poke Go Plus tweak. So, if you’re thinking to get some Pokemon GO hacks using this in app purchase cracker, you’d be failed.

Undoubtedly, Poke GO ++ bring some most advance and requested features for Pokemon Go, but it won’t let you install any Pokemon Go in app purchases for free.

Below are the features which you can get from Pokemon GO ++ tweak…

  1. JoyStick: You’ve heard about JoyStick feature while playing Pokemon Go, you can use JoyStick if you’ve installed PokeGo ++.
  2. Pokemon Go Anywhere: You don’t need to install separate in order to go anywhere on Pokemon game using this feature exclusively added in Poke Go Plus tweak.
  3. Fake Location: Again spoofing location needs another small tweak to enable this feature, but if you’ve installed Poke Go ++ on your iPhone, you don’t need that additionally for your device. You can enable fake location via settings app.
  4. Patrol Mode: You can use Patrol Mode while playing Pokemon Go for iPhone running this tweak. You would need to enable this feature via settings app.
  5. Go to Home: A separate button would be appear on the screen while enabling this feature from Poke Go Cydia tweak.
  6. There are bunch of other Pokemon Go hacks available in this tweak so don’t miss it.

How to Install Poke Go ++ Cydia tweak

Please note that PokeGo ++ is tweak which works only on jailbreak device, if you don’t have jailbroken iPhone or iPad, you can use PanGu to get Cydia and jailbreak the device.

  1. Enable WiFi and Open Cydia.
  2. Tap on Sources which can be found on the bottom of the screen.
  3. On the next screen, tap on Edit and then Add. Here you want to add .
  4. Add http://repo.hackyouriphone.org
  5. Once you’ve this repo, tap on search tab and type Poke Go ++.
  6. You’d get most updated version for your firmware, tap and install it.
  7. Reboot your iPhone before using it.

Note: you’d need to enable your desire features before playing Pokemon Go on your iPhone or iPad. If you’ve anything confusing, you can comment below to ask your query…

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